Note on Notification of Acceptance/Rejection

Re-evaluation of abstracts is almost over and all authors will be notified of the status of their abstracts shortly

Note on Notification Date and Contact email

Abstracts Results: Review in process. Check out URGENT (7th) NOTICE posted to TELLSI Members

Active email:

Note on Submission Deadline

Deadline for abstracts submission is extended for international participants to June 30, 2014. Please check out Papers Submisison- Guide for Authors

Note on recently submitted abstracts

Dear Authors

Please review our 3rd Circular, and 3rd and 4th Notices that we posted to TELLSI a month ago before submitting your abstracts


Abstracts that do not meet the requirements specified in said documents will be automatically rejected by the system. For your ease of reference, the 3rd Circular and 3rd and 4th Notices are reproduced below


3rd Circular

Dear TELLSI Members


Upon several requests we have received, the IELTI-7 Conference Committee has decided to extend the deadline for abstract submission to May 29, 2014 / Khordad 8, 1393


 Abstracts should include the author's full name, affiliation, and email address

  Authors who are not officially employed by any organization can write "Freelance English Teacher / Teacher Trainer / Researcher" as their affiliation

 Each author can submit only one abstract under their own name as the leading author and a second abstract as co-author

 Studies with immediate applicability to EFL practice in Iran (curriculum/school English/private sector) are  needed

 Registration fee, Workshops, and plenary speakers will be announced later on the website- please await the 4th Circular

 We receive kind offers of help from colleagues inside and outside Iran for abstracts review. The Conference Committee will directly contact colleagues based on their expertise / areas of interest and practice as soon as all abstracts are added to our database and are categorized based on the sub-themes announced in the 1st Circular

 we regret to inform those PHD applicants, who have submitted their abstracts and need earlier notification of acceptance for their academic record, that we cannot send any notifications on abstracts status before 20 Khordad 1393. In effect, each abstract will be blindly reviewed by two field specialists, and a third reviewer just in case the first two reviewers submit contradictory decisions on a given abstract

3rd Notice

Dear TELLSI Members


We should kindly request all authors to carefully review IELTI-7 3rd Circular posted to TELLSI the other day and observe all the points before submitting abstracts to IELTI-7

Accordingly, please note that


In effect, due to the large volume of abstracts we are receiving (more than 60 per hour!) and our obligation to send immediate confirmation of receipt to each and every author, we are practically unable to contact authors to modify their abstracts according to the requirements highlighted in the 3rd Circular and resubmit the same.

We would be grateful if you share this urgent notice to your colleagues, students, and friends who have no access to TELLSI posts

We also deeply appreciate your understanding of our limitations

4th Notice

Dear TELLSI members


We should hereby request MA and PHD students to seek full agreement of their Professors before putting the Professors' names as leading or co-author on the abstracts


We are receiving multiple abstracts under the name of a professor as the leading or co-author, and here are the situations

An abstract may be sent by a student under Professor X's name as the leading or co-author, but another student has already submitted an abstract under the same Professor's name as the leading author or co-author, a situation which ends up in the exclusion of the second and nth abstract

An abstract may be sent by a student under Professor X's name as the leading or co-author on a topic which is not the area of interest and practice of the Professor quite well-known in a given field! We have contacted the Professors to make sure of their participation in that study, but they were not aware of such an abstract not to mention their surprise at the topic of the study which has been far from their interest and practice

Please also note that

Works in progress are not considered for review

Workshop proposals are not considered for review as two workshops have been planned already which will be announced as soon as the conference program is finalized

In case authors do not receive Confirmation of Receipt, their abstract must have been rejected due to not observing the requirements specified in the 3rd Circular.  As highlighted in the 3rd Notice, this exclusion will not be communicated to the authors, as they have already been informed in the 3rd Circular and 3rd Notice

The Conference Committee has in their possession a full list of ELT Professors. Field specialists will be individually invited for review after all abstracts are collected and sorted by theme

We thank you sincerely for helping us promote the quality of IELTI-7

Note on Plenary Speakers and Workshops

Plenary Speakers will be announced as soon as they confirm their schedules

Two workshops will be held on (1) Empowering Teachers to Develop Their Own Communicative Tests, (2) Empowering Teachers to Teach Language Components and Skills Communicatively

Workshop Organizers will be announced as soon as they confirm their schedules